Thursday, November 17, 2005

In Memorium - Ralph Edwards 1913-2005

Ralph Edwards '35, the well-known radio and TV host and producer of popular game shows such as "Truth or Consequences" and "This Is Your Life", died Wednesday.

For those of you who didn't know, Mr. Edwards was a Class Yell Leader during his years at Cal. Here are some of his memories from a Cal Band oral history interview:

Yes, three of my four years at Cal, freshmen, sophomore and senior years, I was class yell leader and during my junior year, I was assistant varsity yell leader. Johnny McGill was varsity yell leader and Bill Johnson was the other assistant yell leader.

Now during those freshmen, sophomore and senior years, as the class yell leader, I always tried to make our class of '35, the most lively at the big game rallies at the Greek Theatre, cheering the loudest, we hoped, when the University of California Marching Band came royally marching onto the Greek Theatre stage.


Now one of my prize photos is one that somebody took of me at the stadium in my yell leading whites at the base of the rooting section on the long narrow platform, arms outstretched for a yell and three Cal Bandsmen, just below me, resting from their performance, and thousands and thousands and thousands of Cal rooters and their adversaries glued into every seat in the Cal stadium.

Please make a toast to the memory of Mr. Edwards this Big Game weekend. Go Bears!

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