Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Idle hands are the devil's playground

According to the stanfoo daily:

The rivalry between Stanford and UC-Berkeley was unleashed last week in anticipation of Saturday’s Big Game when groups of Stanford students recaptured several baseball home plates lost to a Cal fraternity, turned a Cal fountain bright cardinal and painted red the letter C on a Bear hillside.


The same group later attempted to recolor the letter C on the grassy hillside near Bowles Hall, the participant said. Three-quarters of the letter had been sprayed from yellow to red when they had to flee because some Cal students discovered the action and were calling the police.

Although the mission was not fully accomplished, the student seemed content with his groups’ achievements.

“The rivalry [between Stanford and Cal] has been pretty one-sided,” he said, referring to the lack of response on Stanford’s part to Berkeley’s repeated pranks. “The Cal kids are the ones who really care about the rivalry. But we decided to get back at them this year.”

Slow news day on the farm, I guess.

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