Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Big Game Quiz!

The CoCo Times (registration required) generated a Big Game Quiz for 3 Cal players and 3 'furd players, as well as for Jeff Tedford, Sandy Barbour and 'furd associate athletic director Darrin Nelson (I guess everyone else at sinfurd figured they'd pass the quiz due to the rampant grade inflation there). For those of you with Cal educations, you can take the quiz and compare your results.

Sample Questions:

1. Who won the first Big Game?

2. The 1910 game featured what innovation by the Cal student section?

8. In 2000, what happened for the only time in the series?

17. This player won the Heisman, but his team lost 22-14 in the 1970 Big Game. Who is he?

12. What did the Immor_al Twenty-One do in 1930?

19. Who said "The Play" ruined his senior season?

Answers are available at the CoCo Times on Wednesday.

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