Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Blondes in the Bleachers

Two Cal students write a weekly article in the Daily Cal titled Blondes in the Bleachers. As the title suggests, the two are blondes and describe themselves "with at the very least a minimal interest in sports". In their latest installment:

Our favorite holiday is fast-approaching, people. No, not Thanksgiving-Big Game Day.

So for this column, we decided to go out into the Berkeley community to see what some notable Berkeley denizens thought about the upcoming contest.


Who's more of a Berkeley character than the Hat Lady? You know the one-she hawks her wares on Telegraph and Durant in front of Smart Alec's. She also claims to know 465 languages, many of which she invented herself.

BB: Hi, how's it going?

Hat Lady: I hate white people. I was working and pregnant when I went to Cal. I was on roller skates and my daughter was coming out of me right there in the back of my Portuguese class in Dwinelle. And then I nursed her all through my Italian class and my Russian class and my Chinese class.

BB: Tell us what you think about Stanford.

HL: Oh, Stanford. When I was applying to school, obviously I wanted to go to Oxford and Princeton and Yale, but after that my number one was UCLA and my number two was Stanford. I was going to say USC, but they're snobs. And Stanford, they're snobs too, but they have class. Tiger Woods went to Stanford.

BB: So you're rooting for Stanford in this week's Big Game?

HL: Is it here? (We shake our heads "no") Damn! Suicide would be better.

I'm glad things never change in Berkeley.

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