Friday, November 18, 2005

Axe Committee - creepy

From the rag they call the sinfurd daily. Full article here.

Silly kids, there’s more to a football game than a football game. The Superbowl has sweet commercials. The Cowboys have sweet cheerleaders. And Big Game... well, Big Game has The Axe Committee.

Think back to freshman year (for you freshmen this shouldn’t be that hard). Remember orientation: the new surroundings, the energetic people, the excitement of your classmates. Now dig a little deeper. Remember the creepy upperclassman wearing an old man Stanford cardigan leading a shockingly morbid cadence about slashing necks or something to that degree? Remember the awkward silence that followed? Well that, my Daily friends, is the Stanford Axe committee, and Big Game Week is their time to shine.


But did you know that the handle of the original Axe was made out of Leland Stanford Junior’s wooden leg? And that Axe committee alumni include the likes of Chelsea Clinton, Paul McCartney, and the guy who played Yoda in Star Wars? And that the Axe Committee kidnapped the Lindberg baby? (At this point, our editors would like us to interject that we’re compulsive liars and none of these facts is really “true.” Carry on.)


Alright, something true about the Axe Committee: They’re creepy.

'Nuff said.

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