Friday, November 18, 2005

Daily Cal opinion

I think we all think this way...

Maybe my peers at Stanford will end up making more money than me, maybe their school is ranked higher and maybe that girl got a better score on her LSAT than me, but I'll be damned if I let them be better fans.

I believe the most beautiful moment in the entire world is when the card stunts are over and the student section throws the cards up in the air and for a second, everything is color and excitement and time is suspended. It's like the moment when the needle on the record player hits the record but before the music starts, and you hear that quiet crackle-for a split-second, everything in life is right.

And the cards will come down, at which point we might be losing the game terribly and you'll go back to worrying about your midterm on Monday, but for a second, nothing can touch you and everything is perfect and we have the best team in the country and there is world peace.

And that's why we play the Big Game, and that's why we hate Stanford so much more than they hate us: We know we need to protect every Cal moment like that which is good and holy and flawless and has the ability to change the world, if only for a second.

So here's to the Campanile, to the parking spots, to the card stunts. May they never cease to make you proud to be a Golden Bear.

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