Friday, November 11, 2005

New Stadium Plans

The new Memorial Stadium Plans were announced yesterday.

The stadium plan and the new law and business building, along with a landscape design and public open space improvements, are the key elements in a renaissance of the southeast corner of the campus.

I suspect this may entail the removal of some of the trees in the immediate area. Last year I mentioned this in one of my daily e-mails:

For those of you who don't know, "Moen" is a Monterey Pine. When it was a seedling, it was acquired by Ken R. '82 through a Happy Meal, or equivalent, promotion at McDonalds. (Yes, I kid you not - he actually got four, and as a true Blue & Gold forester, named them after the ball handlers in The Play.) Moen was planted circa '82-'83 near the Bear statue (near the North Tunnel). It is now quite large and the only Monterey Pine in the immediate area - you can't miss it.

While overall he's happy with the Stadium renovation, Ken is a little bummed that "Moen" may be mowed down. I can't say I blame him...Moen has been nutured and revered by many early 80's Rally Comm alums as a living reminder of "The Play". Since construction is not slated to begin until December 2006, Moen should be able to enjoy at least one more Big Game in Berkeley.

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