Wednesday, November 29, 2006

You gotta love Joe Kapp

I've met Joe Kapp two times, once when he was Head Coach and another time at Kapp's Pizza Bar and Grill in Mountain View. Always colorful - in a very Blue & Gold way - and an entertaining guy. He's still the same...from today's SJ Merc...

About the Cal-USC game -

"Oh, the players played their hearts out,'' Kapp says. "The Bear will not quit! The Bear will not die! The Bears have played with spirit and they always have! No matter who the coach is. They played hard for me, too! The players always play hard! And the fans root hard!''

At this point, I am ready to put down my fork and run out to tackle the next vehicle on Lincoln Avenue. That's the effect a Kapp rap can still have.
About firing up the players -

Between now and kickoff time, if Tedford does not ask Kapp to give the Golden Bears a pep talk, something is wrong. Because those players are missing an experience that will motivate them, inspire them, give them a great lesson in Cal football tradition and make them truly appreciate what school loyalty means.

As a bonus, it would also teach them a very important lesson about drinking tequila.

"Let me say this,'' Kapp is telling me, lowering his voice. "As much credit as I get for all the drinking I did as a player in the NFL, you know what I always did? I always found a driver, found someone who liked to drive and not drink. These rich guys today, rich athletes . . . get a driver! Pay them! Get your cousin!''

Well, that's not exactly the lesson I meant...

On the Big Game -

"The strategy of it still fascinates me,'' Kapp said. "But it is the passion, the visibility of the passion and teamwork, the great example it sets. And 'The Play' is the epitome of that, in my opinion. You look at fundamentals and strategy, but overriding all of it is, `Where's the fever? The Bear fever? The corazon, the heart of it?' That's why it is such a great game.''
About giving up tequila until Cal wins the Rose Bowl -

Kapp doesn't want you to think he's thirsty, though. He still has not sipped any tequila. But that has not ruled out other spirits.

"Thank God for Mexican beer and California wine,'' Kapp said.


"What if we did a survey in the paper of whether Joe Kapp should get a dispensation from the pope so he can drink tequila again?'' he asks.

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