Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Entering Enemy Territory

Slow week for Big Game news, so I stumbled upon a few sites - first, the stanfurd sapling has a blog...good for a few chuckles if you have the stomach for it.

Also, the stanfurd alumni magazine has a couple of articles - Pack Mentality - about college rivalries, especially Big Game. The author interviewed Jeff Tedford:

As I got up to leave, the Cal coach motioned to the black leather couch along the front wall of his small office. On the cushion nearest the door lay a stack of gray T-shirts that said “California Football.” Would I like one? Tedford asked.

“No,” I said. “I can’t take it.”

“Oh,” he replied. “Do you have some sort of rule against that?”

Tedford probably assumed my employer prohibits the taking of freebies. But that was not the rule I cited. Twenty-five years after graduating from Stanford, professional pride took a powder. My response came from someplace other than my mind, as if my body was responding to invasion by bad shellfish.

“Yeah, I do,” said Mr. Professional Journalist. “I went to Stanford, and I don’t wear anything that says ‘Cal’ on it.”

Tedford, God bless him, responded with a laugh. Out the door I went, leaving behind a little dignity and an extra-large T-shirt

The alumni magazine also has an "exclusive" - a former dollie talks about Big Game:
As a Dollie, did you encounter any abuse from Cal students?
During half-time of a basketball game at Cal, Oskie [SIC] made some extremely offensive gestures toward the five of us. It was really appalling. I mean, we all know the Tree would never publicly exhibit inappropriate behavior.

Now you know why they're still called dollies.

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