Monday, November 27, 2006

stanfurd banned, Part II

The stanfoo stumbling band will be at the Big Game, but will not perform. I'm undecided if this is good news for my ears or bad news to the tradition. I think I'll take the good news.

According to [Associate Dean of Students Chris] Griffith, the Band is scheduled to participate in a number of Big Game activities, including events with the Cal Band in San Francisco and celebrations on campus. The Band is also scheduled to travel to Cal for Big Game, but it will not perform a field show.

Band Drum Major Bryan Schell, a senior, said he was disappointed that the Band will not be able to “make other people happy” by performing a field show at Big Game.

“It would really be awesome to create some fun for the Stanford fans out there, who will be surrounded by a sea of blue and gold angry belligerent hatred,” Schell said. “However, we are going to take full advantage of the small amount of time we still have in the stands to show that we can still bring the funk.” -stanfurd daily
"Make other people happy"?

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