Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Tuesday Big Game Quotes

The San Jose Merc:

Monday, at the Big Game media luncheon in San Francisco, there was the same brave chatter about what a close rivalry this is.

``It's always been a hard-fought, close game,'' Jeff Tedford said, with a straight face.

Not exactly, Coach.

While it's true that only 23 points separate the schools after 108 meetings, Tedford is doing his best to change that. The margin was much closer a year ago -- only one point separated them after 107 games.

``If you look at the series the last four years, it's always very, very close,'' Tedford said.

Absolutely. That is if you're talking about at kickoff.

The Bootleg (via the Bear Insider)
This, fellow Cardinalmaniacs™, is exactly why I believe that we not only have a chance this Big Game Week to reverse the tide and shock the world, but that the chance is much greater than any of us might have even realized. Really. I'm serious.

C'mon, the numbers are on our side. It's too weird the way we've been sucker-punched, pimp-slapped, cheap-tricked and banana-peel skidded at the hands of these guys. Like they have the original deed to The Farm. The one with Leland's and Jane's fountain-pen signatures. Cal's been working us like rubes at the State Fair in Sacramento, skinning us at three-card Monty. Walking around with a “I'm-a-Dork” sign they taped on our backs and a “kick-me” yellow sticky on our rear-end. And don't even talk to me about the toilet paper dragging from our shoe. Yeah, they put THAT there, too.


I remember last Big Game Weekend, only too well. And now, it's payback time! Call me nuts, call me deluded, call me anything. But you may be calling me “Nostradamus” because I will not budge from my prediction this week: We smoke the Aggies tomorrow night.
note: the farm plays UC Davis in basketball tonight.

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