Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Stadium EIR delayed

Memorial Stadium was built to honor the Californians who died in WWI. The stadium opened its doors to the public on Big Game Day in 1923. Many Cal fans possess exhilarating and heart-wrenching experiences in that stadium. But the stadium is old, it was built on top of the Hayward Fault, and needs renovation and work to keep it safer and to modernize the facilities.

The new Southeast Campus plans, which include additions to the Stadium, were delayed by a UC Regents committee, who were asked to certify the EIR November 14. Construction was slated to begin after this year's Big Game. The committee is expected to reconvene December 4 after further review of the project. The construction was to begin that same week; University officials told the committee that a delay to December 4 should not materially impact the schedule.

Reasons for the delay:

  • The City of Berkeley is threatening a lawsuit
  • Tightwad Hill fans are concerned about free views
  • Panoramic Hill residents are concerned about safety
  • Oak tree fans are concerned about woodlands
  • Early '80's Rally Comm alums are concerned that a certain Monterey Pine is targeted for removal

  • OK, I might be stretching that last point.
    SF Chron article
    Oakland Trib article
    Daily Cal article
    Berkeley News Article (hat tip - MGH '97)

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