Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A brief glimpse of life within the farm bubble

Raise your hands:
  • How many of you knew which day Big Game is to be played this year?
  • How many of you know that Big Game has been traditionally held about the weekend before Thanksgiving every year since before Memorial was built (except for the past couple of years)?
  • Even if you didn't know the above, how many of you know how to look things up on the internet?
From today's farm Daily - faking news from the farm since 1892:
“Honestly, I’ve never seen any emails from Big Game this year,” ... “I don’t think the University has done a very good job of publicizing it.”

Other students feel like the problem with Big Game this year is its unfortunate timing. Many students will be home for Thanksgiving before kickoff.

“I didn’t know when Big Game would happen until this weekend,” ... “Last year, there were people everywhere talking about it. I got a lot more emails about it. I think the fact that the game is on Thanksgiving break is a reason [for that], and also it’s not at Stanford this year, so not as many people will be able to go.”

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