Monday, December 10, 2007

Farm fans in another language still equals "nerds"

So this blog post referenced below proves what I always knew...below is the original in Dutch, then the next paragraph is a rough translation using Google's translating service (the Rosetta Stone it's not, but it's better than nothing).

Die zaterdag was het de dag van 'the Big Game', oftewel the California Golden Bears van UC Berkeley speelden American Football tegen Stanford in Palo Alto. Daar heen gereden met Gabe en zijn ouders waren er ook met hun hond die natuurlijk ook een Golden Bears shirt aanhad! Voor het stadion met Bart-Jan (red: van de zeilschool) afgesproken en de wedstrijd gekeken. Helaas gingen de Golden Bears keihard onderuit met 13-20 :(, dus het was na afloop alleen feest voor de Stanford-nerds, die dan ook in grote getalen het veld bestormden...
(emphasis added)

That Saturday was the day of the Big Game, or the California Golden Bears of UC Berkeley played American Football against Stanford in Palo Alto. That drove around with Gabe and his parents were also there with their dog, which of course, a Golden Bears shirt aanhad! For the stadium with Bart-Jan (red: from the sailing school) agreed and the match looked. Unfortunately, the Golden Bears hard bottom with 13-20: (, so it was only after feast for the Stanford-nerds, who is also large numbers in the field bestormden

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