Sunday, November 16, 2008

Bad Boys...whacha gonna do when they come for you?

The Stanfurd Store got a wrist slap for selling "Cal Sucks" T-shirts (hat tip - the Daily'll also find a link to the Cal Student Store's own T-shirt):

Due to University licensing agreements, the Stanford Store has decided to replace the traditionally vulgar “Cal Sucks” T-shirts with a more G-rated selection — “Beat Cal.”

According to Bennett Hauser ‘10, general manager of the Stanford Store, the University handles its licensing externally through the Collegiate Licensing Company. Anyone hoping to sell Stanford gear is required to receive the licensing company’s approval.

“CLC is a trademark licensing agent,” said Susan Weinstein, manager of Stanford’s trademark licensing program. “This means that various universities and other institutions hire CLC to license their trademarks to third parties who wish to put them on T-shirts and other merchandise.”

Stanford’s contract with the CLC stipulates that Stanford merchandise cannot defame any other CLC client without consent from both sides. Since UC-Berkeley also licenses through the CLC, the “Cal Sucks” shirts were deemed a breach of contract.

“[Last year], we simply didn’t know that we couldn’t produce any garments defaming Cal,” Hauser said. “The CLC and both universities were understanding about our error last year, and let us off with minor penalties — a $1,000 fine, confiscation of extras and a royalty payment to Berkeley of eight percent of revenues. The repercussions would likely be much worse for those who do not regularly work with the CLC.”

The Student Store saw “Beat Cal” as the best alternative design to choose. Hauser actually expects the change to increase sales, citing the new designs as “inclusive” toward easily offended Stanford community members.

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