Friday, November 30, 2007

The Farm Daily issues Big Game "Guidelines"

Just some pointers for the uneducated masses:

If all of this is too hard, just use common sense — if a Stanford student runs a long way or catches the ball, that’s impressive, right? And it’s also a good thing in football.


It is also necessary to know about The Play. If you know anything about football, you are probably familiar the story, but here it is in a nutshell: At the end of Big Game in 1982 with only four seconds left on the clock, Cal managed to lateral (i.e., throw horizontally) the football five times to score a touchdown and win the game — after the Band had already rushed the field. This was a less-than-proud moment for everyone involved, and, unfortunately, visiting teams love to remind us of it by attempting to replicate it as Notre Dame did at one point during last Saturday’s game. We do not find this funny.

Cal fans find it very funny. Isn't copying the highest form of flattery?

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