Thursday, November 30, 2006

A stanfurd fan fesses up

I do have to admit, I find very humorous Big Game material from self-deprecating stanfurd fans. But it's like watching the various hosts and personalities on Shout-TV News - they're annoying, I can't stand listening to them, but I kinda feel sorry for them. From the Bootleg (via Bear Insider):

Believe it or not, there are some things I actually like about cal. Berkeley, despite its many, many, many flaws, is a far better “college town” than Palo Alto. About the only time I like Stanford's band more than cal's band is when our guys play “Swingtown” during the introductions at basketball games. Outside of that, cal's band is superior in just about every way imaginable. Their fight song is so good that another school had to rip it off and call it their own.


Yup, life is good for the Weenies. Yet, even though their football team's fortunes have changed, I'm sure one thing hasn't: their near-maniacal hatred of Stanford and all things Cardinal. Only in Berkeley could 10,000 people all be yelling for one person to “take off that redddd shirt.” Only in Berkeley could an entire stadium blatantly disrespect the Star Spangled Banner by changing its lyrics and referring to the rocket's “blue” glare. Only Carl Lewis has done more damage to our national anthem.


Then it occurred to me: cal hates Stanford because, well, we are Stanford. We are Us. They are Them. They will never be Us. By most accounts, We are better than Them. And those facts drive Them bonkers.

Yeah, buddy...continue to drink the farm Kool-aid.
