Friday, November 21, 2008

1982 Revisited

I've pretty much ignored The Play this year, primarily because I posted extensively about it last year.

But people still - 26 years later - equate Big Game with The print. Earlier this week: " 'The Play' embodies Big Game". Today's example from ESPN:

Don't you still chuckle when Cal's Kevin Moen crashes over the trombone player in the memorable 1982 Big Game?

In all of the thousands of times you've seen that play over the last quarter-century plus, have you ever changed the channel before it was over? Never. But every time I see "The Play," I always feel bad for my buddy Rod Gilmore. Rod, now one of our analysts as well as a top-flight lawyer, lost his first case that day.

Watch the tape long enough and you'll see Gilmore pleading his case to the officials. Surely, Dwight Garner's knee was down before his lateral. Sorry, Counselor Gilmore. His case was thrown out of court, although he might have found a more sympathetic judge in the court of the Final Verdict. (Shameless "College Football Final" plug). The Play ended the collegiate careers of Rod Gilmore and a QB by the name of Elway.

To fully appreciate once it is:

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