Thursday, November 29, 2007

Joe Kapp is always entertaining

Joe Kapp - "still is as entertaining, unpredictable, confounding and all over map as the final scene of the 1982 Big Game that sealed his legend." From today's Oakland Tribune...

After a 15-yard celebration penalty that forced Stanford to kick off from its 25, Kapp resisted the suggestion to fair catch. He did order a 12th man off the field. "I did my great coaching," he said.

Otherwise, Kapp simply let the moment unfold.

"The players knew instantly, instinctively, we're going to play grab-asso and win this football game," he said, "because it ain't over yet."

Afterward, amid pandemonium, officials huddled to determine whether the bizarre kickoff return actually was legal. Kapp said he relied on an old bullfighter's prayer: May God divide the luck.

"You have to trust them," he said of the refs, "otherwise you'd go crazy or jump off a bridge."

When touchdown was signaled, Kapp quickly retreated from the field. Stanford coach Paul Wiggin continued to argue his case.

"I don't blame him. It's a hell of a way to lose ... with a band on the field," Kapp said. "But damn, this was his band, not mine. We have a great band, the Cal marching band, the best band in the land.

"They always know where to be."

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