Sunday, August 10, 2008

When worlds converge...

There's another part of my life, besides rooting for Cal - and that is my faith. I'm a "cradle Catholic", having strengthened my belief during my school days at Newman Hall on College Ave.

Over the last few years, my belief has further deepened and I always look forward to the opportunity to enhance my faith journey, especially during the everyday events. One way to maintain my awareness is the reading of some bloggers.

Perhaps it was providential that this excerpt appeared from one of my favorite faith-sharing bloggers, describing her adventures with her mother-in-law:

She was telling someone on the phone that her son (my husband) has degrees from Yale, Columbia, and this other school that she's not so sure is a reputable institution because she'd never heard of it, Stanbrook or Stancliff or something like that [referring to Stanford].
This reminds me of the following page from an issue in the California Monthly in 1982. My belief just got stronger. Thanks for the laugh, Jennifer.

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