Monday, June 18, 2007

The stanfurd band is back to annoy everyone

Breaking news:
The notorious Stanford University Marching Band's suspension has ended following an announcement today by university administrators that the band will once again be able to play at university events.

The next excerpt - with my added highlights - show that they must be smoking something on the farm...
With the suspension ended, [Vice Provost of Student Affairs Greg] Boardman looks forward "to enjoying the creativity and witty humor that have characterized the Band and many of its performances in the past."

Stanford Band Manager Adam Cohen said that band members are relieved that the suspension is over and are looking forward to the renewed halftime shows at Stanford Stadium during the 2007 football season.

"We're obviously pretty excited about finishing off this whole ordeal. Now that we're back on solid footing, we're free to refocus our efforts on music and comedy, which hopefully means we'll put on some hilarious and also pleasant-sounding halftime shows next year," Cohen said.

"Hilarious"!?! "Pleasant Sounding"!?! Maybe it's a good thing Cal fans can't get tickets for the Big Game.